Sunday, January 10, 2010

In which the end is nigh

Greetings fellow bipeds. We've made it another week on this spinning azure orb. (despite the encroaching doom for told by the heralds of countless religious and political sects) Yes, doom. The end of all. Is it possible? Why are we so mystified by the idea of a fiery ending? I guess when it comes down to basic story telling there's always a beginning, middle, and end. Oh, and we humans loooove stories! It makes sense that we'd apply the same framework to the mysterious meaning of the universe. (Opposites attracting/Cause and effect/Entropy) It seems there's a thousand and one possibilities concerning the end of time, and it's up to up to us to choose the flavor. Does this remind anyone of Baskin Robins?

"Step right up to the counter and take your pick! There's thirty one mouth watering apocalypses to shovel down your alimentary canal!" Oh, oh, can I have the one with slavering ninja goat women (complete with pancake hats) infiltrating my government!? *winks*
I feel like it's in our nature to want to end things with a bang. Global warming and the god forsaken Revelation seem to be nothing more than a means for self inflicted ego stroking. However destructive, chaotic, and sometimes ridiculous these stories about the near dystopian futures sound I can't help but wonder if it's all made up to make ourselves feel a little more important than we really are. If that's the case then I'm in hot pursuit of creating my own topsy-turvey trail into the abyss.
What's your flavor?

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